Monday, April 22, 2019

The Day Before the Procedure

It's Monday. Tomorrow is the day!

Had to call the Clinic at 3pm today to find out what time I go in tomorrow. But then I got a message on my MyChart page with the Clinic that said I had to be there at 6am?!! I called at 1 (instead of 3), and found out that that message is just a page-holder. I’m scheduled to arrive at 11am, with the surgery around 1 or 2, depending on how long his early surgeries go.

I’m sending out positive energies for those early procedures! If they go long, I’ll be quite hungry.

No food after midnight tonight. Grr.

And no coffee. Double grr.

I’ve been doing everything I can to prepare mentally for tomorrow, and I’m quite relaxed. Did some things on the computer to tie up some loose ends for work. Cleaned the parts of the house that Karen didn’t clean yesterday. Meditated. Sent positive thoughts out for other folks I know who are in much worse shape than me. Played a little Super Mario. Walked the dog; it was beautiful today—low 70s and sunny! Allowed me to be grateful for the opportunity to be on this planet! I’ve also been carrying around three stones—moss agate, aventurine, and rose quartz, all of which work on the heart chakra or have healing energies for the heart.

So I’m ready! Bring it on!

Early pacemakers
I’m hearing more stories as people I know come out of the pacemaker closet. A friend about my age I used to play volleyball with has had one for a couple years now—and he’s starting to play tennis! My cousin (cousin’s wife…is she also my cousin?) has had several, starting when she was 33 (she’s a wee bit older than me). We have some commonalities, although she was in worse shape early on. Her ejection fraction was 15!!! Mine was 20-25 at its nadir.

The first story I read last week when I searched the internet regarding life after pacemakers was
written by a guy who got one in when he was in his 20s in the 1970s. It weighed THREE POUNDS!!! The ENIAC of pacemakers! He’s still chugging along in his 70s.

So I stopped reading stuff. Why would you want to know failure stories? My goal is to live into my 80s. That goal is attainable. If I start thinking about anything less, how can I possibly manifest my original goal of 80s? Can’t. So my goal remains the same, and remains plenty attainable!

Feel free to write about YOUR success story…I want to hear it! The more we read/hear/talk about those successes, the more that energy will carry through to all of us.

So let’s look briefly past tomorrow, and the recovery phase. After surgery, they’ll want me to hang out with them overnight, make sure it’s pumping on all cylinders.

I have multiple questions to ask the EP before or after surgery.
  1. What have they put together with regard to rehab for me? Do I do some stretching exercises, light walking, jump on the bike? I mean, if it’s all working fine, why wouldn’t I start to get back in shape?
  2. When can I drive?
  3. When should I restart my eliquis (blood thinner)?
  4. What about the glasses magnet I wear on my left chest area? If I can’t wear it, how will I be able to find my glasses?
  5. Who invented liquid soap, and why? 
  6. Do I have to stand back from the microwave oven? And what about airports?
  7. What would you rather do, slide down a 10-foot razor, or suck the snot out of a dog’s nose until its head caves in?

Driving back home from last week's visit:
Chester and 55th, about a half mile from
Cleveland East Side Turners
Sounds like six weeks is the time for heavy activity, like golf or tennis. Probably won’t play volleyball with the big boys on 55th St. at the Cleveland East Side Turners. Don’t want to take a 90 mph hit down the line, straight to my collarbone.

I’ve looked at a few websites to see what I can and can’t do, but I really want to ask the professionals, the ones doing the surgery, right here at the Cleveland Clinic.

Tomorrow, mid-day.

Let’s git ‘er done!

(So I can go eat.)

By the way, I decided to eat too much tonight. Probably a bad idea. Huge dinner. Then I decided to have a milkshake. I love milkshakes, but I haven’t had one in years, as they’re not the healthiest buggers out there. I’ll let you know if it was good to gorge the night before, or if you should just eat normal. But it was yummy! Grommit wanted some, too.

Credit #5 in above list: John Cusack in Say Anything
Credit #7 in above list: Matt Groenig, Life in Hell
(Both of those from the 80s, of course.)

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