Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Eight days later...

Wow! Over a week already! Here’s what’s going on.

The swelling has gone down considerably. The reason I know this is that normally there’s just been this blob there under my clavicle that is kinda squishy inside (not that I’m poking it much or anything); but now it is a defined shape. The shape of………..a pacemaker!

Well, it’s somewhat angular, and one can clearly make out said bump to NOT be some sort of goiter or whatnot. It’s the machine inside me. After eight days, I’m feeling pretty normal…I just can’t seem to quite get over the fact that this foreign body is inside me, with wire tentacles extending through my veins and into my heart.

I believe that within another week this foreign body will become the new norm, and all will be well. It’s already starting to become one with me.

Five weeks from now I’ll work with the tech on studying the data and making some tweaks here and there. I think that it pushes my heart to max rate too quickly. Remember, max HR is 145. I was at a track meet today with my camera, and when the rain finally starting pelting down, I did a shuffle run to the car, about 50 yards. I checked my HR and it was pushing that 145. Doesn’t seem like it should’ve been quite that high in such a short time and with only a moderate amount of energy expended.

I went to FitWorks for the first time (post-device) this morning. I was gently walking along on a treadmill at 3.5 mph with the incline set at a very modest 3. HR was humming along in the high 90s, then all of a sudden after about 7 minutes I started feeling clammy and sweaty, and my HR was in the mid-130s.

It just seems a bit off; but then again, perhaps this is my new norm? I’ll bet they can fix it though a bit. I’ll keep logging these odd jumps in my journal until I see the tech again, and we’ll figure it out!

How do I read my heart rate? I got my first Garmin! Very basic, a Forerunner 35, but I wanted to be able to get the HR without a chest monitor. Karen has the Forerunner 205 and LOVES it! Clearly I won’t be doing much distance training any time soon. I was interested to see how accurate it would be, and it’s doing pretty well.

I know for a fact that my resting HR should be right there at 60 bpm. And the Garmin is pretty solid when it measures my resting HR. It’s nearly always right around the 60 mark. Yay Garmin!

And don’t believe those Precor treadmill heart rate sensors—they stink! When I was sweaty and clammy and 135 bpm, I put my hands on the dirty sensors and it said I was humming along at 87 bpm. Right. Pass the hand sanitizer.

New topic—I got a treat in the mail today. Boston Scientific sent me a box that contains all the stuff I’ll need to send in data to the tech every 3 months so she can monitor my progress. I haven’t set it up yet, but I’m grateful for it. Without it, I would have to drive to the Cleveland Clinic every 3 months. I’ll still go to see my cardiologist every year, and I can combine that with a visit to the spooky catacombs where the pacemaker tech office sits.

What’s next? 5 more weeks of not raising my left arm over my head (much), no repetitive motions with my left arm such as using an elliptical, no more ironing my shirts (I never do anyway), no more spelunking or left-handed salutes, no weight lifting or even lifting anything more than 10 pounds with my left arm (already cheated that one a bit), no more left-handed racquetball,…you get the picture.

I’m even trying to be cautious walking the dog. If I have him in my left hand and he sees that squirrel that he has to chase, that could cause some strain. I think those wires and everything else is pretty firmly entrenched at this point, but I’m okay erring on the safe side to make sure all stays well. I’ll be a good patient!

Next entry likely will be after my visit in 5 weeks with the tech. In the meantime, feel free to pose any questions below that I haven't discussed. Questions like… What about mowing the lawn, especially since the pacemaker adjusts based on vibrations? Am I going to keep my chest shaved? Does the seat belt rub against my incision point? When can I…you know...when? Can I pretend like I am incapable of vacuuming so I don’t have to do it?

Answers to these and many more questions at a later date!

Thanks for reading.

No Moss

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